What is Coaching?
Coaching is:
… “a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance. The learner is sometimes called a coachee.”- Wikipedia
Coaching with me will consist of creating this container together. I start off by exploring your long term and short term goals. Together we make a plan for what you want to accomplish. We then talk about possible obstacles that get in the way or have gotten in the way before.
I am here to hold space, reflect and process some of these difficult obstacles, distractions and to guide you back on your path.
Have you ever…..
Had difficulty connecting with others?
Struggled with intimacy in a relationship?
Couldn’t get out of bed due to the heaviness of the world on your shoulder?
Relationship/Family Issues:
Felt resentment towards your family?
Struggled in a partnership with expressing yourself?
Struggled with being heard, listened to or validated?
Felt like you took on most of the responsibility of a relationship and didn’t feel met?
Felt like you gave more than you got in a relationship?
Felt painful abandonment after the end of a relationship?
Felt like you kept attracting the same people, despite wanting to change who you are attracted too?
Substance use:
Used substances, food, sex, drugs, gambling, alcohol, or other pain relievers to muddle the amount of feelings you have?
Felt like you were so nervous you might lose control, go crazy or die?
Heard voices that other people didn’t or couldn’t hear?
Low Self esteem, Self Critic
Kicked yourself for mistakes you made and ended up constantly criticizing yourself for them for days afterwards?
Hated yourself for mistakes you made, and constantly have a critical sense of self?
Sexual Orientation/LGBTQI
Felt confused about your sexual orientation, or who you’re attracted too?
Eating Disorders
Felt confused about your body image, what your body looks like vs. how society wants your body to look?
Gender Identity
Felt confused about your gender, what gender you were assigned to at birth vs. the gender you feel more aligned with?
Trauma/ PTSD
Have you ever had flashbacks and realize you are not in your body?
Have you experienced a trauma that keeps resurfacing in everything you do, and you can’t seem to “get past it.”
Felt so much rage, you didn’t know how to handle it?
Yes, that’s me!?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, or maybe many of the questions, there is hope! You are not alone. Contact me and let’s find your path!
Gestalt Chair Therapy - A technique used to imagine a person or object that you need and talk to them as if they were the issue you want to address. It uses imagination to confront difficult things or issues in a safe container.
Person - Centered Therapy - A technique of putting the client first and having their agendas at the forefront of therapy. It is guided by the principle that the client inherently knows what is best for them.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - A technique that addresses how our mind and cognition create negative behavioral patterns, and by addressing these patterns in our mind, our behavior will change.
I also use: music, art, and empowerment techniques as requested.
Trauma informed care - Trauma informed care educates, informs, and validates the normal survival experience/behavior of someone who has gone through a trauma. While validating, we also explore how these behaviors might be impacting your life and what might need to change. to have the relationships, work and living environment you desire.
Motivational Interviewing - Aligning with you and your path. Being an advocate for you and joining in on your experience while opening to new ideas and thoughts about your experience. You are the guide!
Ecotherapy - Explores how being in nature and connecting with her can strengthen the mind, body and spirit. Depending on availability I am open to explore nature and therapy together for clients who would benefit from that approach.
Narrative Therapy - Focusing on the story you tell about yourself and the experiences you have. Exploring what works and what could use some shifting. Exploring alternatives to how you see the world and your place in it.
Contact me for a Free Consultation!